L.A.C.E.R. is Literacy, Arts, Culture, Education, and Recreation.

Every day,

After school,

Since 1995.

The L.A.C.E.R. Afterschool Programs provide free opportunities to thousands of students every day after school. Located in eight public schools, students come to the LACER Afterschool rooms, get a healthy snack and choose from a menu of free classes in the visual and performing arts, athletics, and organized sports, as well as academic tutoring.

Our programs expand the school’s curriculum, support the students and parents, and provide an opportunity that is not available in the day program, or in the surrounding community. Our students tell us that LACER helped them discover new things, make life-long friends, attend school more, and find the support they needed to graduate.


Sarkis shares his experience in LACER’s Academic Tutoring program.